Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. owns, operates, and sells advertising displays in the United States and internationally. It operates through two segments, Americas and Europe. The company offers advertising services through billboards, including bulletins and posters; transit displays, which are advertising surfaces on various types of vehicles or within transit systems; street furniture displays, such as advertising surfaces on bus shelters, information kiosks, freestanding units, and other public structures; spectaculars, which are customized display structures that incorporate videos, multidimensional lettering and figures, mechanical devices and moving parts, and other embellishments; wallscape, a display that drapes over or is suspended from the sides of buildings or other structures; and retail and other small displays.
The stocks founds in the One Hot Stock category use stocks that are in long term, short term trends and are early in the buy signal trend. Suggested buy prices are listed with a price “or better”. Or better means anything lower than the buy price listed. (Learn about order types here). This is a confirmation strategy that waits for the stock to make a move then a trader enters the trend at specific prices. In many cases stocks that are in up trends tend to continue the overall trend direction and the prior trend is the path of least resistance. To learn more about trend following as well as reversal strategies you can go here.