Value Investing

Chemical Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

HUN is down -38% from its 2022 high, and that should make you think about buying

Trying to keep a thumb on the pulse of the market is an inexact science at best. I’ve learned to start by narrowing my focus on a single industry or sector, and then work outward. One of the sectors that I have learned to pay attention to as a starting point to find the temperature […]

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Consumer Discretionary
Specialty Retail Stores
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is BBY’s downward trend an opportunity, or a warning sign?

Because of the market’s general bearishness throughout 2022, it’s not unusual to see a lot of stocks, including very well-known names, near historical lows. In some industries, it’s also not surprising to see some stocks breaking below previous lows to establish new ones. Since 2020, one of the surprising stories is the way that a […]

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Alcoholic Beverages
Value Investing
Value Stocks

TAP is down -20% in the last two months – where is its value price?

Market uncertainty can be a scary thing to do deal with. One of the things uncertainty does to a lot of investors is to make them more hesitant about taking on new positions, which makes some sense when it looks like the economy could be on the brink of a new recession. 2022 has been […]

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Gold Miners
Gold Stocks
Precious Metals
Value Investing
Value Stocks

GOLD’s discount makes its bullish rally more interesting

It’s always interesting to watch the way market momentum and investor attention shifts over time. Societal and geopolitical concerns are just two elements that have shifted the tide of economic fortune over the last couple of years. COVID and the continuing pandemic dominated the news cycle as soon as it arrived in the United States […]

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Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS)
Semiconductor Fabrication
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is JBL a smart buy under current market conditions?

It has become pretty normal over the last several years to see the Technology sector leading the market – after all, Technology is increasingly at the center of just about every part of our daily lives in one sense or another. Technology often acts as both a catalyst and a hindrance to broader economic health […]

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Chemical Products
Specialty Chemicals
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is now a good time to buy WLK’s big discount?

Coming into the end of the third quarter of the year, most of the market talk has been about the terrible performance of the past six weeks. There’s a lot of doom and gloom out there right now  as the market is wrapping up a really ugly September. How bad is it? After a hopeful […]

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Semiconductor Fabrication
Tech Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Where is AMAT’s bargain price in this market?

The Tech sector often leads the broad stock market’s movements. As a value investor, the rush into Tech during a bull market leaves me a little cold; but when the market has turned bearish, and people are running away from Tech stocks en masse, I think the opportunity to find great value starts to get […]

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Digital Transformation
Information Technology
Value Investing
Value Stocks

CTSH’s downward trend is a good thing for bargain hunters

The Technology sector was a bright spot throughout 2020 and 2021. It has also led the market lower throughout this year, with a lot of Tech stocks extending their own year-to-date losses well past traditional bear market levels. One of the reasons the sector led the market higher until 2022 is because so much of […]

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Freight Transportation
Railroad Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

CSX has hit a new yearly low – what does that mean for its value price?

2022 has meant a lot of uncertainty in the marketplace. Inflation, rising interest rates and war are just the biggest headlines that have kept the markets on edge, pushing the market into a confirmed bear market by June, and testing those lows as a new set of bearish momentum is picking up. While everybody wants […]

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Semiconductor Fabrication
Tech Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MCHP is down -17% since mid-August. Is it a good time to buy?

Stocks in the Technology sector get a lot of attention and buzz from investors, analysts and talking heads alike no matter the time of year or current status of the economy. A big reason comes from the reality that progress, innovation and evolution in just about every other sector of the economy is driven by […]

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Auto Industry
Automotive Electronics
Electric Vehicles
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is MGA’s downward trend a new buying opportunity, or a warning?

The deeper into the year we get, the more uncertainty seems to be the theme that will define 2022. From geopolitics to economics, together it has all created a pretty constant state of uncertainty, and elevated volatility in the stock market. Economic uncertainty usually suggests that cyclically-sensitive industries are the most exposed to downside risk. […]

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Healthcare Solutions
Medical Devices
Medical Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MDT looks like a good value in a strongly bearish trend

During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the sectors of market that experienced major shifts in its business models was the Healthcare sector. The entire system – local clinics, hospitals, and more – has been forced for a large portion of the last two and a half years to shift its focus […]

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Crude Oil
Energy Sector
Oil Refiners
Value Investing
Value Stocks

DINO is an under-appreciated bargain

Current market conditions can make it hard for even the most patient, disciplined bargain hunter to find useful investing opportunities. The trick is being able to identify pockets of the economy where current conditions create opportunity or where companies may have been able to buck broader industry and market trends to create their own success. […]

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Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Retail
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is LEVI’s bargain price for real?

It seems that every year, economic and market activity finds a way to revolve around one or two primary themes. It’s safe to say that no matter where you start, the primary economic theme for 2022 boils down to inflation.  Economic metrics were clearly starting show that inflation was picking up steam in late 2021, […]

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Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Retail
Value Investing
Value Stocks

-50% drop in PVH makes it a BIG value. Should you buy?

With persistently high inflation that has kept interest rates rising throughout the year, economically sensitive industries have been the most vulnerable. The Consumer Discretionary sector is a perfect example. As reflected by the S&P 500 Consumer Discretionary Sector SPDR (XLY), the sector has followed the broad indices into its own bear market. This is a […]

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Trade Stocks Confidently: Take the Guesswork Out of Your Stock Trades