Efficient Market Theory

Efficient Market Theory
Fundamental Analysis
Technical Analysis
Value Investing
Value Stocks
Value Traps

WRK is extremely undervalued – why doesn’t the market care?

The longer you invest in the stock market, the more familiar you become with a lot of the concepts that are used to define and justify the various investing methods that drive them. Years ago, as I began to incorporate technical analysis and shorter-term trading strategies into my system, one of those basic principles was […]

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Efficient Market Theory

Is BBBY a bargain, or just cheap?

Warren Buffett is justifiably considered as one of the most successful investors of all time. The methods he employs to identify long-term investment opportunities have been thoroughly documented, by himself and others, and copied by value-oriented investors for decades. The annual reports he writes for Berkshire Hathaway are considered required reading in many investor quarters […]

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