Value Investing

Consumer Discretionary
Consumer Spending
Value Investing
Value Stocks

WHR is down more than -44% year to date. Is it a good value yet?

Uncertainty in the market makes a lot of people want to sit on their hands and wait for things to turn around before taking a new opportunity seriously. Value-oriented investors, however, understand that when more and more stocks are testing historical lows, there are also more and more useful targets of opportunity. That doesn’t mean […]

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Value Investing
Value Stocks

VZ at the low end of its trend could be an incredible buying opportunity

“Uncertainty” has been a good way to describe market conditions throughout 2022. To compound the difficulty, it seems unlikely that the forecast is going to get better going into 2023, which makes it harder for investors to decide to keep their money working for them. Inflation continues to remain high, despite repeated interest rate increases […]

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Value Investing
Value Stocks

AT&T is rallying after its latest earnings report – is it a good buy?

AT&T Inc. (T) isn’t just one of the largest telecomm companies in the United States, but also one of the most established and recognized names in the world. From its origins as “the phone company” to its expansion into wireless telecommunications, broadcast media and even the film industry, this is a company that has almost […]

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Railroad Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

CSX rebound has the makings of a good bargain opportunity

2022 has meant a lot of uncertainty in the marketplace. Inflation, rising interest rates and war are just the biggest headlines that have kept the markets on edge, pushing the market into a confirmed bear market by June that pushed to new lows earlier this month. One of the big questions that just about everybody […]

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Financial Sector
Financial Technology (FinTech)
Online Marketplace
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is NDAQ a good bargain for Capital Markets investments?

One of the challenges for any investor, no matter what method they prefer to use, is how to find new, useful opportunities to put their money to work. In that effort, one area that I think most investors don’t think about is investing in the companies that make access to the markets possible. I like […]

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Consumer Staples
Food Products
Foodservice Market
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is HRL a good, defensive bargain?

Over roughly the last three years, I’ve been writing about the wisdom in being very selective about the investments you make. That includes taking a defensive approach by looking for industries and businesses whose operations aren’t as sensitive to the and ebb and flow of economic growth. Prepackaged food stocks like Hormel Foods Corp (HRL), […]

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Consumer Staples
Food Products
Specialty Food
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Where is MKC’s bargain price?

Being a value-oriented investor means that seeing stocks trading at or near historical lows tends to pique a value investor’s interest. For growth investors, that sounds odd since growth investing puts an emphasis on upward trends and stocks trading at or near historical highs.  Sometimes a long decline in a stock’s price can be attributed […]

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Basic Materials
Paper and Packaging
Value Investing
Value Stocks

IP is down more than -28% in 2022, and that is a strong buying opportunity

No matter what current market conditions are at any given time, the point of value-oriented investing is to find stocks that offer attractive long-term upside. For my approach, that means using a combination of valuation, fundamental strength, and technical analysis to filter through the thousands of stocks that are available. My approach to value analysis […]

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Food Prices
Food Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Where is CAG’s value price?

More than two decades of experience as an investor and market analyst have taught me that while the market is very resilient in the long-term, there is one word that always seems to automatically put the market on edge: change. The COVID-19 pandemic is a good example of what I mean. After a decade of […]

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Drug Stores
Healthcare Solutions
Specialty Retail Stores
Value Investing
Value Stocks

WBA’s value proposition is too good to ignore

When you filter through all the noise about inflation, interest rates, and war, the big story in the stock market for 2022 really comes down to the drop to the bear market conditions that has taken down just about every sector of the economy. The big question that remains is whether – or, some will […]

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Food Products
Specialty Food
Value Investing
Value Stocks

TSN is extending its downward trend – should you buy the discount?

Contrarian investors and bargain hunters are cut from a different kind of cloth than growth-focused investors. When everybody is buying, we tend to get more cautious, and when everybody is running for the exits, we start finding more and more attractive opportunities at great prices. 2022 has been a rough year for just about every […]

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Drug Stores
Healthcare Management
Healthcare Solutions
Value Investing
Value Stocks

CVS capitulation looks scary, but it also means a big buying opportunity

The month of October is one of my favorite times of year. The entire month is like a lead up to Halloween as spooky becomes a central theme for everything from television shows to neighborhood decorations. What might also seem spooky – but not in a fun way – is when the market decides to […]

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Tech Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MU’s value proposition gets better the longer Tech stays out of favor

Like most investors, I’ve always looked at the market, at least partially, through the lens of my own personal and professional experience. As a self-described nerd with a lot of experience and education in software and technology, it’s pretty natural for me to gravitate to stocks in tech-driven industries. The Technology sector has been a […]

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Energy Storage Systems
Liquefied Natural Gas
Liquid Crystal Displays
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is ET a good buy in this market?

Throughout 2022, the biggest storyline in the marketplace may be the pace of inflation. It’s been reflected in rising prices across the board all the way to the consumer level. One of the places it has been most clearly seen is the price of crude. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude, which acts as the benchmark […]

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Consumer Staples
Food Prices
Food Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

KHC is near its 52-week low. That looks like a good buying opportunity

As a conservative-minded, value and fundamental-driven investor, my natural tendency is to shy away from stocks that market experts and popular market media analysts tend to talk to the most about. Another way to describe this mindset uses the word “contrarian,” and it’s a mindset that I think is becoming more and more attractive the […]

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