Retirement Plan

Postpone Retirement
Retirement Crisis
Retirement Fears
Retirement Plan

The Retirement Crisis No One Is Talking About – Are You Prepared?

The retirement landscape is changing rapidly, and not for the better. The retirement savings gap—the difference between what people need to retire comfortably and what they have actually saved—is widening at an alarming rate. With the cost of living rising, stagnant wages, and longer life expectancies, many workers are finding themselves financially unprepared for retirement. […]

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Retirement Fears
Retirement Living
Retirement Plan
Retirement Planning

6 Late-Stage Retirement Catch-Up Tactics

People approaching retirement age with little in savings may have a bumpy road ahead. But certain steps can build a nest egg as rapidly as possible to ensure at least some money will be there for support in retirement. 1. Fully Fund Your 401(k) An employee in this age category who is offered a 401(k) […]

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Retirement Fears
Retirement Plan

Top Retirement Savings Tips for 55-to-64-Year-Olds

If you’re between 55 and 64 years old, you still have time to boost your retirement savings. Whether you plan to retire early, late, or never ever, having an adequate amount of money saved can make all the difference, both financially and psychologically. Your focus should be on building out—or catching up, if necessary. It’s never […]

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Pension Plans
Postpone Retirement
Retire Early
Retirement Crisis
Retirement Fears
Retirement Plan

Rise of early retirement threatens pension poverty timebomb

Rise of early retirement threatens pension poverty timebomb Boris Johnson came out fighting at Prime Minister’s Questions in the Commons last week. The besieged premier chose the jobs market as one of his battlegrounds. “We have more employees on the payroll now than before the pandemic began, and youth unemployment is at a record low,” […]

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Retirement Accounts
Retirement Fears
Retirement Mistakes
Retirement Plan

‘There’s no retirement in this job,’ gig workers say

Dean Rainer finds it hard to believe that anyone would think app-based gig workers can save for retirement. “I needed a good laugh today,” the 60-year-old who delivers for Uber UBER Eats said when asked about his retirement plans. “Thanks for that.” Rainer estimates that he made about $14 an hour on average doing deliveries […]

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Retirement Living
Retirement Plan

4.7% Rule Is Like A $283,000 Retirement Savings Bonus

Looking for a way to boost your retirement income? You can’t live off Social Security benefits alone. Smart retirement planning says the 4.7% Rule — not the 4% Rule — is your best shot for maximizing your retirement savings’ ability to generate income for 30 years. Who says the “4.7% Rule” tops the “4% Rule” […]

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Retirement Accounts
Retirement Fears
Retirement Plan
Retirement Planning

Saving for Retirement When You Don't Have a Regular Job

Many people find themselves outside of the formal workforce from time to time. Some end up unemployed by choice while others find themselves without work because of layoffs. These individuals have several options available to them in order to keep the income flowing. For instance, some may join the gig economy while others try consulting, […]

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Retirement Accounts
Retirement Living
Retirement Plan

The No. 1 thing that can improve the retirement security of older workers

Ready for today’s retirement investing pop quiz? What’s the single most consequential thing you can do to improve your chances of not running out of money in retirement? I’ll try answering this question in a minute, but I’ll note first that chances are good that this question isn’t just hypothetical but applies to you personally. […]

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Retirement Annuity
Retirement Bucket Strategy
Retirement Living
Retirement Plan
Retirement Planning

What Is the Retirement Bucket Strategy?

Retirement Bucket Strategy The main goal of most investors is to garner enough money in the market to fund their retirement years. Yet, many investors are unsure of how to properly pull money out of their accounts once they’re actually in retirement. The retirement bucket strategy is one of the many withdrawal strategies that investors […]

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Retirement Accounts
Retirement Fears
Retirement Living
Retirement Mistakes
Retirement Plan
Retirement Planning

6 Surprising Facts About Retirement

Retirement is a topic that regularly makes headlines, and not all of them are encouraging. Americans are living longer than ever before. However, if you assume most people are saving more to prepare for their longer-term needs, you’d be mistaken. Here are some of the more startling truths about retirement in the U.S. Key Takeaways […]

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Retirement Accounts
Retirement Fears
Retirement Living
Retirement Mistakes
Retirement Plan
Retirement Planning

10 quick money hacks to boost your retirement savings in 2022

If you want to get your new year off to a good start, try some quick and easy money moves to make yourself richer and fatten your retirement account. And don’t sweat the small stuff, because over time even minor savings can add up to big gains. Check out the chart above. It’s based on stock […]

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Retire Early
Retirement Plan

Three signs you’re ready to retire

This article is reprinted by permission from NerdWallet.  Many people don’t have much choice about when they retire. Illness, job loss or caretaking responsibilities push them out of the labor force, ready or not. But some people have the opposite problem: They do have a choice, and yet they can’t quite bring themselves to quit […]

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Retirement Accounts
Retirement Plan
Retirement Planning

Getting serious about retirement planning in the new year? Try these tips

Envisioning a retirement by the beach, or with a relocation? It all takes planning, and there are plenty of tools to help with that. Retirement Tip of the Week: If you’ve decided to get serious about planning for retirement, no matter your age, think through what you will need then and how to get there. […]

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Retirement Living
Retirement Plan

10 Rules for Investing After Retirement

How to invest your retirement money. After years of investing for retirement, how to invest money after retirement should be straightforward. But as with most “shoulds” in life, what should be one way is actually another. Investing after retirement is anything but straightforward. Retirees have to juggle finding safe investments to protect their income streams […]

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Stocks Set for Massive Gains