Value Investing

Auto Industry
Auto Makers
Electric Vehicles
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is GM worth its value price?

Inflation, rising interest rates, and all of the economic uncertainty that comes with them puts a lot of pressure on industries that are associated with consumer demand. That includes the Auto industry. The last few years have seen a lot of turmoil for auto manufacturers. The pandemic shuttered economic activity, and collapsed oil prices as […]

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Alcoholic Beverages
Food Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

TAP is up 13% in the last two months. Where is its value price?

Market uncertainty can be a scary thing to do deal with. One of the things uncertainty does to a lot of investors is to make them more hesitant about taking on new positions, which makes some sense when it looks like the economy could be on the brink of a new recession. The last couple […]

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Information Technology
Value Investing
Value Stocks

HPE has rallied nearly 35% since the start of October – what does that mean about its value price?

The Tech sector has enjoyed the lion’s share of attention among all segments of the economy for a number of years. That’s been a good thing during bull markets, but it also means the sector really gets pummeled when uncertainty increases. Since 2020, that attention – driven in no small part by the increasingly central […]

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Athletic Apparel
Value Investing
Value Stocks

FL is up more than 23% in the last month. Where is its value price?

One of the basic concepts a lot of successful investors have used to find useful investments is to start by looking around their house. Regular household items, including what you wear, can offer an interesting outlet to find practical investments, often at useful, discounted prices. One of the trends that I’ve followed with interest for […]

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Specialty Materials
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MOS’s consolidation range could set up a useful bargain-based buy

There is a pretty significant difference in the way different investors perceive a stock in a long-term upward trend. For growth oriented-investors, the longer the upward trend, the more attractive the stock is, simply because the expectation is that the longer, bullish trend will outlast any near-term, bearish sentiment or momentum the stock may see.  […]

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Energy Sector
Oil Exploration
Oil Production
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MRO is a big winner in the Energy sector this year. Is it too late for useful value?

Having a contrarian temperament generally means doing the opposite of what most people would do. It’s a mindset that I’ve found very useful as an investor, because while most people tend to flock to stocks that are at or near all-time highs, I’m able to find excellent long-term opportunities at much lower, bargain-level prices.  Finding […]

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Computer Networks
Internet Of Things
Value Investing
Value Stocks

CSCO is up nearly 30% since early October. Is the bandwagon big enough for you too?

Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO) is one of the most recognizable and established companies in the Technology sector. With a market cap of more than $200 billion, they are also one of the largest, if not THE largest player in the Networking & Communications segment.  Companies like CSCO are, without question, the standard against which all […]

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MRNA Vaccines
Value Investing
Value Stocks

PFE is up nearly 20% from its yearly low. Is it still a good buy?

Every year, market watchers and talking heads look for a central narrative that can weave the market and economy’s movements into a single cohesive thread. That storyline often focuses on one of any number of factors – economic, political, or social – that history has proved can impact the market in a material way. Through […]

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Food Prices
Food Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

TSN is consolidating around its yearly low. Is it worth its discount price?

Contrarian investors and bargain hunters are cut from a different kind of cloth than growth-focused investors. When everybody is buying, we tend to get more cautious, and when everybody is running for the exits, we start finding more and more attractive opportunities at great prices. 2022 has been a rough year for just about every […]

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Inflation Hedge
Mining Stocks
Precious Metals
Value Investing
Value Stocks

GOLD is near the top of its consolidation range. It’s still a good bargain, too

It’s always interesting to watch the way market momentum and investor attention shifts over time. Societal and geopolitical concerns are just two elements that have shifted the tide of economic fortune over the last couple of years. Interest rate fears stoked by inflation, plus the threat of war are just a couple of things that […]

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Streaming Media
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is PARA worth its bargain price?

One of the challenges for every investor is the task of assimilating different storylines to put the market in practical context. In 2022, the focus has shifted from pandemic-driven questions to concerns about the pace of inflation and the rise in interest rates that some fear could push a growing economy into a full-fledged recession. […]

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Crude Oil
Oil Exploration
Oil Production
Value Investing
Value Stocks

SU is up 32% – is it too late for useful value?

Happy Thanksgiving! The quest for useful value in the stock market is one of those things that applies to any market condition – bull, bear, or none. The current state of the market and the economy in general is what tends to shift the value focus from one sector to another. 2022 has been dominated […]

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Building Materials
Chemical Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

HUN is up 22% from its yearly low, and it still has a nice value proposition

Trying to keep a thumb on the pulse of the market is an inexact science at best. I’ve learned to start by narrowing my focus on a single industry or sector, and then work outward. One of the sectors that I have learned to pay attention to as a starting point to find the temperature […]

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Food Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

KR is up 15% in the last six weeks. What does that mean for its value price?

Growth investing leans heavily on the principle that “a stock tends to follow the direction of its previous trend,” which may just be a nerdy way to say that the longer a stock has been going up, the more likely it is to keep going up. It is also why growth investors shun stocks that […]

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Semiconductor Fabrication
Tech Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MCHP is up nearly 20% in the last month. Where is its value price?

Stocks in the Technology sector get a lot of attention and buzz from investors, analysts and talking heads alike no matter the time of year or current status of the economy. A big reason comes from the reality that progress, innovation and evolution in just about every other sector of the economy is driven by […]

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Stocks Set for Massive Gains