Value Stocks

Basic Materials
Value Investing
Value Stocks

CF is down -15% in 2023, and at the bottom of its long-term trend. Is it a good value?

One of the tools that I have learned to use to keep a finger on the pulse of the market is to pay attention to sectors of the economy that complement others. I find the Materials sector to be one of the more interesting sectors of the market, because it encompasses a pretty wide range […]

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Smart Devices
Tech Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

MU is down -18.5% since the end of May. How close is it to good value?

Like most investors, I’ve always looked at the market, at least partially, through the lens of my own personal and professional experience.  As a self-described nerd with a lot of experience and education in software and technology, it’s pretty natural for me to gravitate to stocks in tech-driven industries. The Technology sector has been a […]

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Consumer Staples
Value Investing
Value Stocks

KR is increasing its dividend – what about its value price?

One of the primary elements I like to use to filter through the tens of thousands of stocks in the market is dividend payout. In the broadest sense, companies that pay a consistent dividend only do so because they have the financial resources – including healthy liquidity, free cash flow, and operating margins – to […]

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Food Products
Pet Food
Value Investing
Value Stocks

GIS is down -15% in the last two months – does that make it a good value?

When the uncertainty keeps broad segments of the economy on edge, it can be hard to find industries that won’t be affected.  The Food Products industry in the Consumer Staples sector is an area of the market that tends to get overlooked because it just isn’t very sexy. It doesn’t get talked about much on […]

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Value Investing
Value Stocks

LUV reinstated its dividend payout this year – is it a good bargain as well?

One of the things that I find fascinating about the stock market is the way that economic and industry dynamics impact stock prices.  Part of the challenge – and therefore, the intrigue – comes from the fact that stocks don’t always react the way you would expect. What you may perceive as good news or […]

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Drug Stores
Healthcare Solutions
Value Investing
Value Stocks

WBA is picking up bearish momentum – what does that mean about its bargain status?

When you filter through all the noise in news and market media, the one of the main questions throughout the year is when a new bull market will finally happen. That, of course begs the question, at least to me, of how long the combined mix of economic headwinds that are inflation, supply constraints, war, […]

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Finance Services
Regional Banks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

HBAN looks like another solid, bargain-priced regional bank

One of the most-maligned industries of the market this year is Banking – more specifically, regional banks. Rising interest rates – which the Fed has confirmed aren’t likely to end until later this year, and possibly next – naturally blunt demand for commercial, residential and consumer lending. More recently, uncertainty has increased around regional banks, […]

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Commercial Banking
Regional Banks
Southeast Banks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

FITB’s 43% discount is no joke. Bargain hunters should take note

One of the interesting things about the market is the reality that not all areas of the market offer good opportunities at the same time. That fact is one of the reasons that, as both an analyst and individual investor, I’ve always found the stock market so interesting. Learning to recognize that different sectors and […]

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Commercial Banking
Regional Banks
Southeast Banks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

TFC is down -29% year to date – that looks like good news

One of the core principles about technical analysis that was drilled into my head early in my investing career is that “the market is always right.”  It’s one of those idioms that is good as sound bite. It’s also useful in building a disciplined investing mindset, because it’s designed to disconnect a person’s bias about […]

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Banking Sector
Commercial Banking
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Should you buy C’s value proposition?

It’s getting harder to find good values under current market and economic conditions. When sustained, high inflation pushes interest rates to a certain point, it gets harder for companies to sustain earnings and profit margin growth as input costs keep increasing. That doesn’t mean good values can’t be found, but it does mean that they […]

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Energy Stocks
Oil Exploration
Shale Oil
Value Investing
Value Stocks

DVN is consolidating at the bottom of its long-term trend – is this a good time to buy?

The market’s uncertainty and volatility throughout 2023 has kept a lot of stocks hovering around new, historical lows. Seeing stocks on the low side of their historical movements is something that makes the typical, growth-oriented investor nervous. The longer that condition lasts, and an actual bear market is maintained, the more it tends to flush […]

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Biological Drug Manufacturing
Value Investing
Value Stocks

BMY could be finding a trend bottom – what does that mean for its bargain price?

Over the course of my investing career, I’ve learned to rely on a lot of fundamental data to describe the underlying strength of any stock I might consider using for a value-based investment.  I’ve also learned to go beyond easy-to-reference, quick-glance data like earnings per share and price-to-earnings ratios, and to expand my view of […]

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Consumer Staples
Food Products
Value Investing
Value Stocks

KHC is down -16% year to date. Is it a good bargain yet?

As a conservative-minded, value and fundamental-driven investor, my natural tendency is to shy away from stocks that market experts and popular market media analysts tend to talk to the most about.  Another way to describe this mindset uses the word “contrarian,” and it’s a mindset that I think becomes more useful when market uncertainty increases. […]

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Financial Technology (FinTech)
Tech Stocks
Value Investing
Value Stocks

HPE is up 19% in the last month. What does that mean for its value proposition?

The Tech sector has enjoyed the lion’s share of attention among all segments of the economy for a number of years. That’s been a good thing during bull markets, but it also means the sector really gets pummeled when uncertainty increases. Since 2020, that attention – driven in no small part by the increasingly central […]

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Consumer Staples
Value Investing
Value Stocks

Is KR a good value at its current price?

Growth investing leans heavily on the idea that stocks tend to follow the direction of their previous trends.  That may just be a nerdy way to say that the longer a stock has been going up, the more likely it is to keep going up. It is also why growth investors shun stocks that are […]

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Stocks Set for Massive Gains